About Us

Coffee Carry-on founder Dana Lee Chapman was boarding a plane after a 3-day Bahamas Cruise when she realized... there's no place to put her coffee!

Why, in 2019, was there no place to put a cup of coffee on an airplane???

Dana spent that flight imagining an environmentally friendly, non-plastic was to hold a cup of coffee using the pocket of the seat in front of her.

Once she returned home, she did some research and found a few products that might have worked - but all of them had crappy reviews and were made of plastic. All these companies were trying to do too many things and the result was something no one wanted to buy!

Armed with scissors and cardboard previously destined for her household recycling, Dana created about 5 prototypes of what is now the Coffee Carry-on!

The Coffee Carry-on makes traveling a little bit easier and coffee (joy) filled. We hope it brings more happiness to your travels... coffee is the part of our day that brings warmth and smiles!